track & trace
About Us
CLI is an independent Supply Chain Enabler providing integrated logistics and distribution solution throughout Indonesia and worldwide.
CLIXpress adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang logistik.
CLIXpress menawarkan jasa pengiriman paket dan teknologi berbasis web dan aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh pemilik usaha untuk memantau dan melacak status pengiriman paket mereka secara online dan real time.
CLIXpress didirikan tahun 2010 setelah melihat banyaknya usaha di ibukota yang membutuhkan jasa dan teknologi logistik yang handal untuk memudahkan bisnis-bisnis berskala kecil sampai besar mengatur pengiriman mereka.
- To be a global player of third party logistics which has regional recognition that complies to international standards.
- To be a trusted partner that grows together as a Supply Chain Enabler.
- To be an innovator in logistics business process by utilizing advanced Information Technology as a solution.
- CUSTOMER FOCUS ; Awareness of deep customes needs is our focus.
- RELIABILITY; Honesty is a primary part of our integrity at all times to build trust within our partners.
- CONTINUOUS CURIOSITY FOR INNOVATION ; Our team is qualified to be a problem solver and has strong curiosity for innovation in our customers’ business processes.
It's all in the name ...!
Kami ada, Mudahnya pengiriman barang dengan CLIXpress..
Contact Us
Pelayanan yang UTAMA Adalah prioritas kami untuk Anda...
clixpress tracking
We love to hear from you, we've here and ready to help in every way we can. Get support by phone or email. In the meantime, peep our social wall to see what we're up to.
Secure Building, Unit B, 2nd
Jl. Raya Protokol Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta Timur 13610, Indonesia
+021-2280 0980 - 83
+62 811-8812-555